Viscous vexes his opponents through clever evasion and strategic uses of healing, enabling him to withstand the most brutal of enemy attacks.
Viscous vexes his opponents through clever evasion and strategic uses of healing, enabling him to withstand the most brutal of enemy attacks.
i wear goocci on YT and TTV, watch "i wear goocci eternus viscous guide" if you haven't. READ ANNOTATIONS!!
Playstyle/explanation: After the most recent patch goo ball lost a lot of damage, especially early. To compensate, we buy mystic vuln for the 12% damage amp and buy actives ASAP to guarantee more ball hits. Always engage with magic carpet first for the shields, and use phantom strike to disarm high gun dmg targets when possible. Max splatter first to get the bounces fast and farm as many camps as possible for our 6.2k’s. Once you have carpet you start taking over and snowballing the game. We are a little squishy with this build, so try to focus on the highest damage enemy and take them out fast. Overall you get 4 guaranteed hits with our actives, so anyone you dump everything into should die. Hope you enjoy and have happy holidays! (though with this build we are the grinch frfr)
L-R is fine, try to delay HVM and MR as long as possible
Heals 106 hp off base puddle punch, core lane sustain. Sell 2nd/1st.
Reduces spirit resist for more damage on splatter + extra dmg. Sell 2nd for spirit items later
One more puddle punch + reduces PP cooldown, great for lane. Sell 1st for spirit items later
More damage on splatter/ball, simple as that
Splatter and PP easier to hit, increases ball size as we unlock it
Needed for securing souls at distance because we have slowest bullet velocity in game. Delay until after mystic shot if not struggling with hitting orbs
Easy to proc with our alt fire, part of our burst combo. Abuse in lane to bully enemy.
Overall great item for lane phase, makes troopers super easy to kill/decreases a ton of their damage. Also really good for doing camps and taking guardian. Sell for warpstone later.
Extra bit of stam lets you move around the map a little more, dodge more abilities, and downdash in ball form more often. Really good. Sell 2nd later if needed.
Good for farming camps after lane and good damage if land melee in lane, works well with burst combo too.
Large spirit shield and good spirit power+cdr, we get the passive after using magic carpet as well.
Extra healing in lane/healing to make doing camps easier. I usually take this, otherwise buy sprint boots. Sell 1st.
If no need for heal rite, this just helps you move around the map and gank/reach camps a lil more. Sell 1st/2nd.
Buy vs enemies with loads of healing, preferably only if your team isnt buying any. Dont buy in lane phase, buy sometime in post lane, sell extra stamina for it.
Sell EC/SS, vs multiple gun carries can take PS before MC for the disarm
Adds loads of AOE damage for farming and in ball form, core item to any ball build. Often our 3rd most damage in game, and procs mystic vuln before every ball hit.
Great for farming camps. With splatter, this, and torment pulse we can take T3 camps as well. Lets us farm for our 6k's really fast. In teamfights use this on grouped enemies when possible.
After the nerfs to goo ball damage+scaling, mystic vuln is a must buy to get us back to having almost the same amount of damage as before. This+rushing actives makes ball strong early and help snowball to late game.
Ball is maxxed out a little after buying this, core for letting you get easy hits in ball form. Use it to redirect to hard to reach enemies or to start a dribble.
Only form of % max hp damage in game. Can proc it every 5s on individual enemies. I have found success in buying MC/PS first then buying this, but test for yourself.
All stats on this are insane for ball. Use this to engage with the extra shields or as you hit an enemy to turn around and hit them again. Buy PS first ONLY if they are majority gun and the disarm would be a difference maker
Rushing actives makes ball powerspike and snowball faster. Chain stuns are super easy, engage with Carpet, then use WS/PS as needed
More ball duration, and stun duration. Super important for chaining stuns.
Built along with MC and WS to give us multiple forms of guaranteed stuns. With this buildpath we can afford both quite easily. Make use of the disarm and use it on gun carries in teamfights
Provides lots of healing from ball, splatter, and torment pulse damage in teamfights. Lets you stay in the fight longer.
Helps with long ability/item cooldowns. Increases how often torment pulse ticks. If you are lower rank (no flame) you might find buying this before improved duration better if you struggle with using ball at the right times.
Stuntime on ball now 1s, giving enemies only .25s to escape. Our active effects (PS disarm/WS bullet resist/Carpet uptime) last a long time, especially PS (4s disarm/slow). Imbue ball.
Ball is now yuge, splatter can hit multiple enemies easily even if you aim it terribly. Imbue ball.
Can now warpstone twice in ball form when used early. Torment pulse ticks even faster, ball has only 65s cd so let it rip. Worst of the 3 upgrades (duration/reach/cdr) which is why we do it last.
In combination with torment pulse you can stack this to amplify ball damage by a lot. Really expensive though, most games end before you get to this point. You can test skipping reach/cooldown upgrades to get this instead, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Usually you’ll be dead in ball form before you get a lot of stacks.
If you have bought EVERYTHING else, then sell cold front and buy this. If you really dont like the way the cold front playstyle feels you can skip it and L-R the rest of the build then buy this last.
If you ever dont have enough slots just skip, continue L-R, and double back when you can. Not really any situational items in this build, buying armor isnt good in ball builds due to diminishing returns. I would always buy everyone above^ b4 anything else. Enjoy until next patch! (I believe this is the best build for this patch, only viable alternative is a puddle punch focused build but they fall off damage wise and require gun items that dont scale w our other abilities)
The Cube
Puddle Punch
Goo Ball