Holliday depends on her skills as a crack shot, shooting things she's bounced into the air. With good aim she can lay out heavy damage. Her movement skills let her isolate her enemies or beat a hasty retreat.
Holliday depends on her skills as a crack shot, shooting things she's bounced into the air. With good aim she can lay out heavy damage. Her movement skills let her isolate her enemies or beat a hasty retreat.
Proper armors, Anti heal , timely actives, and threating trades of important Obj's is what we offer.
Hmu on discord if you have questions behind the thought process of items or to even suggest items I may have overlooked
Discord: pomfyrat
Its painful how needed this is. Great item! sell first for slots
The ammo is very needed. This is also something you sell last if you need slots
Helps you not be worthless during poke. Use this off cooldown! Do not upgrade this.
Much needed Ammo and heals when you get shot trying to kill creeps
Heals for yourself and your teammate to make up mistakes. Consider upgrading
Stamima is an as much as an offensive resource as a defensive one. Slide after every dash. Think of it as another "ammo" puchase
Keep yourself topped off without having to waste cooldowns. Shoot your gun.
I like plants(Do not upgrade!!!!!) Sell this if game gets super late for better purples
Remember to do urn off cooldown.
Highest damage tier 2 number wise :p
buying this for the ammo and quick reload
Best armor item in the game. Shoot your gun on sight to have stacks
you are grabbing this at some point
Theres rarely times where you would not need this. Gives damage and a pocket heal
Pressing buttons more often is fun and it gives ammo
No more handholding. Just advice on the items that are worth your souls.
Huge damage boost if you are used to making use of your stam
strong anti heal. Good if your team already has good people that apply healbane
Super strong armor shread for just already being in their face.
usually pick this up after burst fire so you have a super long uptime on max stacks. Still good on its own
The best damage boost. If you are team fighting alot buy this, watch for your teams disables and melt them
If you are deciding on buying a gun 6k this MUST be it. A 24% damage boost for your entire team for just hitting a headshot.
Healbane stacks with toxic bullets too!
Counters their anti heal and your many sources of healing(your 3!!!)
Sometimes you pick this up early in lane out of desperation or you are rich! Very very good item
This item has awesome stats but i heavily favor it if they have people building melee. Cheap and helpful
This is always the correct choice in 6k
This is the greedy and more fun choice in 6k. Heavily prefered when you already have healbane purchased
If no one on your team easily applies this+good against melee
Fills up slots. Not needed but def a QoL item
A whole extra mag with active reload. Pretty good!
This goes on 4. You care about urn runs/escape/teamfights. Not a prioirty item at all. Sell extra charge
Flying heros,Bebop/Seven/Warden who like to press 4 and general hunting of bad guys
Good stat to have and it helps farm super quick during rotations. Free creep camp every 30 seconds!
Heaviliy consider against abrams, yamato, shiv, calico, infernus. Anti heal wins fights and you can never enough. It all stacks
Cat lady/pocket/Infernus counter. Spirit lifesteal rocks too
Its pretty neat if you stack this with hunters aura.
Common pitfalls
no you do not need to spend 3k to farm faster. You apply spirit debuffs by thowing your aoe ability that you have 3 charges of
Purchase decay instead if you want duration. the difference is like nothing and this item does nothing
Escalating costs less. Buy other items that grant armor or if extream late game and the enemy is actually building armor shread
nuh uh
hear me out, the real reason people buy is to counter slows. Burst fire is a worthwhile investment
Overkill. settle for superior cooldown if you really have souls to blow
Kudzu Bomb
Watcher's Covenant
Stone Form
Air Drop