Abrams has the bulk and sustain to lead from the front, often running into the middle of his foes and watching them scatter. If his enemies waste their fire on him, his backline teammates can lay out damage with impunity.
Abrams has the bulk and sustain to lead from the front, often running into the middle of his foes and watching them scatter. If his enemies waste their fire on him, his backline teammates can lay out damage with impunity.
This is a Yamato Build that's focused on your Power Slash ability to one shot. In early game just farm and poke your enemy to death. In lategame once you have refresher you can go all in 1v11 with double ult. Yamato is the character that requires the most skill and game knowledge in the game so it's not the best hero for new players.
Skill Unlock: 1-3-2-4 | Skill Upgrade: 1-1-4-1-3-3-4-3-2-2-4-2 twitch.tv/linepro
if losing lane
You will need 2 flex slots for Healbane and Mystic Vulnerability. You should first hit a left click to proc Soul Shredder Bullets that will also enable Mystic Vulnerability because you have Mystic Shot. Then combo 2+3+1
Improved Reach and Superior Cooldown on 1. If you have 6k just rush Refresher for Double Ultimate
At this point you do insane amount of damage and you can just flex your items on your desire
Power Slash
Flying Strike
Crimson Slash
Shadow Transformation