เรธ เป็นปรมาจารย์ด้านการต่อสู้แบบตัวต่อตัว นิยมใช้วิธีแยกเป้าหมายออกจากกันแล้วกำจัดโดยไม่ปราณีอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ จากนั้นเทเลพอร์ตออกไปก่อนที่ใครจะตอบโต้ได้ทัน
เรธ เป็นปรมาจารย์ด้านการต่อสู้แบบตัวต่อตัว นิยมใช้วิธีแยกเป้าหมายออกจากกันแล้วกำจัดโดยไม่ปราณีอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ จากนั้นเทเลพอร์ตออกไปก่อนที่ใครจะตอบโต้ได้ทัน
Focuses around yer 1 and yer 2, 'cause they're the most fun
item order's a suggestion, I ain't the boss'a you
Little extra health never hurt nobody
Little extra punch for yer gun, comes with a free bullet repellant
Do ya damn job and this'll heal ya up a little, but it's more about that sweet upgrade coming up
Listen, everyone needs a drink on the job |You can sell this shit later|
Little extra sauce for yer traps and shit
You got a shotgun, what else are you gonna do?
Gives ya an extra trap, can't go wrong
Get a little exorcize every now and then
Makes all yer stuff last longer
The ol' dirty buckshot, makes yer shotgun into another exterminatin' tool
They're really gonna hate you with this, combine with your poison and they'll be sittin' there like a crook in the electric chair
Keeps ya clean and gives ya some more juice
You gotta get goin' man, you can't have them assholes tryna slow you down with small talk
Your traps and shit make people soft so you can shoot 'em
Makes a fine addition to yer poison, chokes the shit out of 'em, they probably won't escape with all them poisons so you can shoot the shit out of 'em
Any of your damaging tools now stink more, makin' yer targets shoot slower
You got a lotta shit to do, this'll help ya do it faster
Get a damn fuckton'a traps up
Toughen ya up a little, see? Fuggetaboutit
Hopefully they won't deduct this from ya hazard pay, it'll keep ya alive
Yer spicy damage now stinks worse than a 5 o'clock bar rush near a construction site
Quick math lesson, shotgun plus face equals no more head
Stick this on a skill and it'll have less downtime than a janitor in a strip club
More sauce
Put this on yer traps to make 'em hurt longer than my balls when I was on that window washin' gig with the shitty harness
Them assholes got a few too many bullets for a healthy diet?
They gettin' way too fuckin' trigger happy
Still throwin' too many bullets at ya? Throw 'em back, jackass
They'll be havin' a word with their health care provida
Ever hear'a insurance? This is like that but it works
Got some fly buzzin' around? Just drop a fuckin' anvil on 'em, moron
really ain't in any order, just get whacha want
They ain't escapin' that poison
The Ultimate Sauce
Get this little beauty and you'll be throwin' more traps on 'em than them feds on Dillinger
You're really gonna love ya job when they can't do a damn thing to ya
The more you hurt 'em, the worse they hurt This is some exponential shit right here