วินดิกตา ใช้ลีลาการโจมตีที่คล่องแคล่วว่องไวตามอำเภอใจของเธอ คอยตามจิกและทำให้เหยื่อของเธอเลือดไหลอย่างช้า ๆ ศัตรูที่บาดเจ็บไม่ว่าจะอยู่ห่างเธอเพียงใดต่างก็ต้องหวาดกลัวว่าจะโดนสอยเมื่อเห็นเธอในแผนที่
วินดิกตา ใช้ลีลาการโจมตีที่คล่องแคล่วว่องไวตามอำเภอใจของเธอ คอยตามจิกและทำให้เหยื่อของเธอเลือดไหลอย่างช้า ๆ ศัตรูที่บาดเจ็บไม่ว่าจะอยู่ห่างเธอเพียงใดต่างก็ต้องหวาดกลัวว่าจะโดนสอยเมื่อเห็นเธอในแผนที่
Top 10 Lash NA. Slam build leaning into movement and a more roamer playstyle. I stream this build on twitch.tv/mira_lash.
Left to Right.
Offers huge damage early with spirit power and the 26% weapon buff.
Spirit shield + a huge early spike for our damage scaling. Sell late mid game for slots.
Buy 2nd or 3rd if you see potential dive opportunity.
Early schoovement. Rush early if dealing with warden/haze or other slowing picks.
More burst on the slam.
Strongest choice early for spirit damage.
This should be your second T2 item.
Super useful for trading in early lane because of bullet health and the heal on hit.
If you need to freeze lane and heal.
After Improved Spirit Buy Majestic or Warp.
Lets us take 1v1s with a sustain healburst on kill.
More damage from our gun.
Safest buy in the game never really a terrible option.
First T3 gives us insane movement.
Burst on our max slam for giga damage.
Line this purchase up with maxxing your 1. This is gonna give us a giant scaling burst for our slam.
Huge active to punish poor positioning. Also huge for our ultimate.
Pick 1
I prefer this to ML because I have it up when I need it. Super useful for gap closing, escaping, ulting, setting up slams.
If you prefer a more ult centric playstyle and you are pathing Headhunter as your 4th gun slot. This is a great item to setup ults.
Subjective Picks.
Imbue on 1 or 3 adds large damage to our slam or aoe slow on our flog.
If they have heavy spirit resist.
If they are shutting your dive and ults down with cc.
Double ult and getting ult of cooldown quick in mid game.
Non-typical Lash buys in my opinion.
Addition of amp and lifesteal to beef our flog up early.
Additional burst for our flog to make up for its worse scaling. Reload is very useful.
Huge heal boost to our flog.
Largest damage spike for long games.
Optional pick for ultmaxxing.
Check annotations for matchups.
Bullet damage.
Spirit damage.
Rare choice but if we need to shut down movement abilities.
Tool that allows you to buy time for your team to bail you out and also dodge scary abilities.
Good for securing kills and cancelling ult usage. CANNOT BE USED ON CHANNELING ABILITIES.
The dumb dumb beam.
Safest active choice in the game very useful on our counters.
The best laning defensive tool in the game with crazy burst healing.