การวางตำแหน่งที่แม่นยำคือกลยุทธ์ที่สำคัญที่สุดในสายตาของ แมคกินนิส ไม่ว่าเธอจะสร้างเขตสังหารหรือแยกทีมศัตรูออกจากกัน เธอสามารถช่วยให้ทีมของเธอเดินหน้าต่อไปได้ ทำให้ยากที่จะขุดรากถอนโคนทีมของเธอเมื่อเป็นฝ่ายตั้งรับ
การวางตำแหน่งที่แม่นยำคือกลยุทธ์ที่สำคัญที่สุดในสายตาของ แมคกินนิส ไม่ว่าเธอจะสร้างเขตสังหารหรือแยกทีมศัตรูออกจากกัน เธอสามารถช่วยให้ทีมของเธอเดินหน้าต่อไปได้ ทำให้ยากที่จะขุดรากถอนโคนทีมของเธอเมื่อเป็นฝ่ายตั้งรับ
"When they see this, they'll run for cover!"
The 2nd build in the "Concerns of The Deep" Series.
This one is oriented around the Goo Ball (4). You'll be ballin' all around the map, disrupting team fights and dealing big damage!
Once you've maximized your Goo Ball (4), you can use Phantom Strike to instantly teleport to an enemy! Follow up with Splatter (1) for a big burst of damage.
Items have little notes under them. Feel free to give me some feedback on the Viscous Discord: https://discord.gg/jD3Cauw6n5
Buy left to right. With Extra Regen, Monster Rounds and Extra Spirit, you'll have a lot of Health Regen. Move your mouse over the items for details! (Total of 4500 Souls)
This works with your Puddle Punch (3) and will heal you on hit. Heals more if you hit heroes! Has a cooldown of 7.5s. | Sell for Healbane |
Grants you extra health regen for sustain during laning phase. | Sell for Phantom Strike or Upgrade into Return Fire |
Adds Spirit Damage to your Puddle Punch (3), also lowers the enemy's spirit resistance on hit. Try to land Splatter (1) after hitting someone with this! | Sell for Torment Pulse |
Allows you to secure/deny souls easier, along with landing shots easier. Also grants you a fair amount of bullet shield.
Grants you an extra charge of Puddle Punch (3) for laning phase. | Sell for Cold Front |
Increases all of your abilities' damage and also grants you 1 extra health regen. | Upgrades into Improved Spirit |
Deal more damage to Minions, Neutrals and Objectives (Like Guardians, Walkers, etc..). Also grants you with 1 extra health regen.
Used to land Puddle Punch (3) at further range during laning phase while also increasing the radius of Splatter (1). | Upgrades into Improved Reach |
Provides you with 1 extra stamina. Buy sooner if facing Warden. | Sell for Phantom Strike if you bought Return Fire |
Buy left to right. Sell Extra Charge for Cold Front. Sell Melee Lifesteal for Healbane. Sell Extra Regen for Phantom Strike. Skip Impr Cooldown if no flex slot, and buy it later. Magic Carpet is also an option instead of Phantom Strike. (Total of 26 750 Souls)
Grants you a free dash-jump, and fire rate after a dash jump. This allows you to save 1 stamina a lot of time.
Increases your abilities' damage whenever you have some Spirit Shield. Also increases your survivability. Resistances do not work on barriers. | Sell for an Armor during Late Game |
| Replace Extra Charge | Unleash a burst of damage around you that slows.
Use this while in Goo Ball (4) to change direction at will. You will lose momentum when teleporting.
| Replace Spirit Strike | You'll deal damage to enemies near you, even during Goo Ball (4) ! Cooldown reduction makes it hit more often!
| Replace Melee Lifesteal | Apply an anti-healing effect upon dealing spirit damage to the enemy. Also heals you if an enemy dies under this effect. | Upgrade into Leech |
| Replace Extra Regen or Extra Stamina if you bought Return Fire | Allows you to teleport to an enemy, disarming them, but lose all momentum. Can be used to catch a flying enemy and bring them down to the ground.
Increases your abilities' and Items damage. Also grants you some Sprint Speed and extra Health Regen. | Upgrades into Boundless Spirit |
| Skip if no Flex Slot and buy it later | Allows you to use Goo Ball (4) and other abilities more often! Reduces the cooldown of your actives and effects such as Torment Pulse. | Upgrade into Superior Cooldown |
| Imbue Goo Ball (4) | Increases the range of all of your abilities and items. This will make Goo Ball (4) bigger, and Splatter (1)'s impact larger. Also grants you some more Spirit, resulting in more damage.
Resistances work differently on Goo Ball (4) but still give you great benefits. Armors scale better in late game so don't forget to replace any Barrier with Armor!
Adds 10% more Bullet Resistance to your Goo Ball (4). You'll reach 70% Bullet Resistance. (Default is 60%)
Adds 20% more Bullet Resistance to your Goo Ball (4). You'll reach 80% Bullet Resistance. (Default is 60%)
Adds 9% more Spirit Resistance to your Goo Ball (4). You'll reach 69% Spirit Resistance. (Default is 60%)
Adds 18% more Spirit Resistance to your Goo Ball (4). You'll reach 78% Spirit Resistance. (Default is 60%)
Grants you (Or an ally!) a decent amount of Gun & Spirit shield, along with a speed boost. Useful to save lives in dire situations!
Grants you a fair amount of Gun & Spirit shield when you get CC'd. Useful against Mirage's Tornado, Bebop's Hook, Vindicta's Tether, Haze's Sleep and more!
Lowers the duration of Pocket's Poison, Infernus' Burn, Mirage's Tornado, any form of stuns or immobilize and more.
Removes Bebop's Bomb, Pocket's Poison, Infernus' Burn, Vindicta's Tether, Mirage's Tornado, and more!
Buy left to right. If the enemy has a lot of Spirit Armor, get Escalating Exposure first instead of Boundless Spirit. If you struggle with Flex Slots, you can consider an Active, Leech or Spiritual Overflow.
| Skip if no Flex Slot and buy it later | Can be triggered by Cold Front, Phantom Strike, Splatter (1) and Goo Ball (4). The bigger the Max HP of the enemy, the bigger the damage!
| Imbue Goo Ball (4) | Allows you to be in Goo Ball (4) a lot more often. Further reduces the cooldown of your actives and item effects, such as Torment Pulse!
| Skip if no flex slot, then buy later | Upon hitting an enemy with Spirit damage, they'll have their spirit resistance lowered. Torment Pulse triggers this easily during Goo Ball (4). | Upgrade into Escalating Exposure |
Buy Escalating Exposure instead of the enemy is running a lot of Spirit Armor. A lot more damage for Splatter (1) and Goo Ball (4). This item is very expensive but also very useful if the enemy isn't running Spirit Armor.
Buy Boundless Spirit instead of the enemy is NOT running a lot of Spirit Armor. Dealing constant Spirit Damage to a target will increase your damage against them. Stacks nicely with Torment Pulse.
| Skip if no Flex Slot and buy it later | Increases the duration of Goo Ball (4), along with its stun duration and the duration of item effects & actives! | Upgrade into Superior Duration |
| Imbue Goo Ball (4) | Further increases the duration of Goo Ball (4), the stun on impact, any actives but also item effects.
This will give you a lot of lifesteal with your abilities and even gun. It also improves your anti-healing powers!
Build up spirit power by shooting enemies. Also gives you extra cooldown reduction.
Grab one (Or multiple) of those whenever you desire, if you want to empower your Goo Ball (4).
Send some damage back and gives you some bullet resistance when activated. Useful against Wraith and Haze. Pair it with Metal Skin to not take any damage and still send damage back!
Heals you (And an ally!) a fair amount. You can also pull an ally to you, even if they are in The Cube (2). Also increases your ability range.
Useful to rotate around the map and reach roofs. Don't forget to recast it to pick landing location, even in Goo Ball (4)!
Allows you to ignore any bullet damage for a few seconds. Useful against Haze and Wraith. Pairs well with Return Fire!
Become immune to crowd control during its duration. Use it against Dynamo and roll over his ult to stop him!
ColosSUS. More HP, more resistances, slow enemies near you. Also gives you a large amount of extra melee damage passively. Be mindful: You will actually increase your hitbox with this, making you easier to hit.
Can be used to fly while in Goo Ball (4), also makes it bigger. Keep in mind that if you hit an enemy, the Magic Carpet will disappear.
Reset the cooldowns of your entire kit, including your Goo Ball (4).
These items will help you have a better time against specific enemies or simply allow you to modify your gameplay to something that fits you more. Keep in mind that these items are NOT part of the build. Decay, Silence Glyph, Knockdown and Curse are powerful actives that can be bought to counter specific heroes.
Every 5s, your next bullet will deal a burst of spirit damage. Be mindful that it'll go on cooldown even if you miss. Can be used for various combos with the Alt Fire.
Makes killing Neutrals and Minions a lot more comfortable by reloading your weapon for less downtime. Can be used with the Puddle Punch (3)'s last upgrade.
Grant you a massive amount of Bullet Resistance and movement speed when at lower than half health. Useful for when Goo Ball (4) ends.
Upon activation, grants you a decent amount of healing over time, as long as you don't take damage from Heroes or Towers. Pairs well with The Cube (2).
Increases your mobility, gives some spirit power, but also allows you to TRIPLE jump during Goo Ball (4).
A lot of healing when you land a melee hit, and more damage for melee. Works with Puddle Punch (3). Has a 3.8s cooldown (By the time you get Superior Cooldown).
Upon use, provides you (or an ally!) with a burst of healing and 1 stamina. Charges up when nearby enemies use abilities. Can be used on an Ally in The Cube (2).
Grants a burst of healing to your allies around you and yourself.
Upon dying, you'll respawn where you died after a few seconds, at half health.
This is very useful to counter any enemy that heals a lot such as Abrams, Infernus, Mo&Krill.
Silence a target and deal some damage. Useful against Yamato, Geist, Lash, Pocket, and many more.
Applies a delayed stun to a target. Useful against Seven, Lash, Grey Talon, Vindicta and more.
Upon landing a melee hit on a hero, steal their spirit power and spirit resist! Meaning that they are more vulnerable to damage while you get stronger! Use Puddle Punch (3) during Goo Ball (4) to get its benefits!
Dash-Jump before using Goo Ball (4) or Splatter (1) to empower it with more damage, radius and duration! You also get a passive 1 extra stamina.
Reduces an enemy to the state of an actual potato for a few seconds. Useful against carries!
| Imbue Goo Ball (4) | Hitting an enemy with Goo Ball (4) will make them take delayed damage in the form of an AoE. Also grants you Spirit Lifesteal and more Ability Range. | Skip if you bought Magic Carpet or Cold Front |
Upon using your Goo Ball (4), you'll gain a lot of shields for both, spirit and gun, and also gain a lot more spirit, resulting in more damage. This also grants you some cooldown reduction and ability duration.