Благодаря манипулированию временем Парадокс может опередить врага в бою один на один. Она в нужный момент перемещает противников к пульсирующей гранате, к своей стене или в засаду к своим союзникам.
Благодаря манипулированию временем Парадокс может опередить врага в бою один на один. Она в нужный момент перемещает противников к пульсирующей гранате, к своей стене или в засаду к своим союзникам.
I'm a nobody and not that great honestly, some of the other builds are just too cluttered for me.
Left to right, buy the whole row. Substitute an item if it suits your play style.
Best item, only sold for high value late game alternatives
Sell Healing Rite for Rescue Beam.
Remember, Infuser, grenade, beam, grenade. Great early game damage.
Be a nimble boi
Get so much spirit, so much.
Helps with denies
Make beam go far
Be a fast boi
And a rolly boi. All around good item, helps with DPS, clearing camps and movement.
Late game beam is a terror. Buy all items in order unless substituting.
Great all around
Ice path plus Fleetfoot is zoomy. Be zoomy.
Zoom harder
Sell Healing Rite for Rescue Beam.
Soul Shredder does well.
Get Suppressor for the first flex slot.
Healbane is good for the second flex slot.
Huge debuff with max level Arctic Beam.
Imbue on beam. Beam them all!
A kelvin they can't catch is a Kelvin they can't escape!
Great for having more healing.
Boost everything!
Adds damage to beam and speed, don't let anyone escape!
Huge spike, good for both damage and healing. If healing isn't a priority do escalating esposure first.
Here comes the frost bite.
You are now a threat. A big one.
-60 healing reduction is great and staying alive too is always nice.
Gun is low prioirty but these do help.
Faster shots, spirit power and resist. Not a gun focus so low priority.
55 spirit is nuts. If you have too many souls late game sell either Fleetfoot or Kinetic Dash for this.
The spirit amp and life steal are nice, Kelvin shots can be tough to stack amp on so ymmv.
Situational items you might need to take instead of others.
Good if grenades will be used for damage instead of healing. If so, drop a healing item.
Huge spike on grenade damage.
For a focused grenades build you can substitute this for Mystic Reach.
Replacing Improved Reach if focusing on grenades over beam.
Get this if you need it. You'll know if you need it.
If stacked bebop is going nuts, you may need this. It's your call what to replace with this but selling Healbane keeps you from getting Leech.
Don't get health or resist focused items. Play from behind, heal your team and debuff the enemies. Dome gets neglected but you can find timings for it with the mobility items. Your pick on how to spend ability points after tier 3 Arctic Beam. Grenade healing is needed early and split beam is amazing and should be a priority.
Леденящая граната
Ледяная дорожка
Арктический луч
Ледяное укрытие