Для Макгиннис главное — точное размещение, как при устройстве западни, так и для разделения вражеской команды. Она помогает своим стойко удерживать позиции.
Для Макгиннис главное — точное размещение, как при устройстве западни, так и для разделения вражеской команды. Она помогает своим стойко удерживать позиции.
thank you #1 rank mcginnis player OGJeremy, this is my lower rank spin on the build to get more people to play mcginnis
Buy in order | First item depend on your HP buy MR OR ER first
Good first item Allows you to shred objectives and take less damage from them + Regen
More regen + Ammo
Damage and Mag size
Definitly needed since we only have 2 stamia charges + Stamia Regen
Best sustaining item in lane
Save turret for QSR Once you have to reload drop turret Keeps you in fight and allows you to keep firing
Core item Needed with QSR CD is almost the same with QSR allowing nonstop firing
Mcginnis is incredibly slow much while firing much needed No more slow while firing + Movespeed and ammo when activated
Buy in order|Rush Siphon if you have lead if not skip and buy after spirirt armor
Huge power spike, this is where all your damage comes from Allows you to deal a ton of damage to players and objectives just by holding M1
Definity needed every game No explanation
Now when you are fighting you are just getting passive damage buffs + Bullet Resist and Ammo
Boosts all healing and lowers heal reduction Medinical Specter, Bullet LS, Siphon + Spirit resist
This is the entire build Makes you into a tank + Damage and Bullet Resist
Power spike, Incredible item gives amazing stats + Damage and Fire rate +Bullet resist
One of the strongest items in the game Significantly reduces negative effects Stuns, slows, fire rate slow, healing reduction, etc... + Damage and HP FUCK FERN ALL MY HOMIES HATE FERN
Buy in order | Frenzy makes you a raid boss | Focus down 1 target with toxic bullets and shred them | Most of these items just make you tankier as you dont really need much more dmg
Applies bleed and reduces healing Very needed since almost every hero has a way of self sustain Infernus, Mo, Geist, Shiv, etc...
Only buy this after Toxic Bullets allowing you to deal more damage +HP and melee resist
Definitly Needed You will find that you are taking 80-90% spirit damage with this build
Huge Power spike item with insane stats Makes you more unkillable then you already are +Ammo and HP
titanic mag is nice + the fact you buy basic mag earlier means you dont need to sell to make space for this, eventually you reach 200 bullets and dont have to stop shooting
i personnaly suck at movement, so i get superior stamina, but if you dont need it, save the souls
May need to buy earlier depending on enemy hereos Pocket/ Geist/ Bebop/ etc...
Only buy vs certain heroes
Good vs bullet heroes Haze/ Wraith/ Vyper/ etc... get if not getting knockdown
Only buy in very heavy bullet damage games Not really needed since we have a ton of bullet resist
its just better
Can save you from most hate crimes Stalls fights allowing team to follow up Lash ult/ Bebop bomb/ any burst spirit damage
Dont ever buy these instead of build items | These are good items for build but they are not needed
man fuck that guy in particular
ow stun is annoying
ow bullets hurt
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