Используя тени, Калико ловко вступает в бой и уходит из-под огня, что позволяет ей устранять врагов одного за другим.
Используя тени, Калико ловко вступает в бой и уходит из-под огня, что позволяет ей устранять врагов одного за другим.
Always up to date for the current meta!
Follow Laning And Midgame 1 to 1 from left to right.
Add defensive items at any point for extra survivablity,
ideally after you bought every item in "Midgame".
Lategame picks usually from left to right but depending on what you need.
Streaming every day on twitch, come by if you have any questions!
Buy From Left To Right, Extra Regen and Healing Rite Optional
Never sell this, always use before Full Auto in every fight. In lane, use to amplify card damage as usual. Obvio
Buy From Left To Right, Sell EC, HPW and RR if needed
Buy What Is Needed From This Point (All Items have Annotations)
If you need more long term survivability and fights last for a while. Sell one of your barriers for this.
If you need more Damage.
Buy if you want even mroe long term sustain in teamfights or if you want more anti heal. Saves a slot.
Sell Bullet Lifesteal for this ONLY if you bought Leech. Do not buy if you don't have Leech.
Sell Swift Striker or Enduring Speed for this. It's an upgrade over both of those as a lategame damage increase. Only worth if you are rich.
Buy if enemy team is running a lot of gun damage. Great team play option. Sell Ammo Scav For This.
Buy this if you need more short term survivability. Insane for the first 7 seconds of the fight.
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