Yamato desfere golpes precisos para dizimar os seus rivais. No entanto, esses ataques poderosos também podem deixá-la exposta, então cada disparo precisa valer a pena.
Yamato desfere golpes precisos para dizimar os seus rivais. No entanto, esses ataques poderosos também podem deixá-la exposta, então cada disparo precisa valer a pena.
This build focuses on farming and dealing damage with Power Surge (3rd Skill) and using Ult when neccesary. The Ult after couple of nerfs is not as good in the early/mid game, but it gets better as the game goes. Use it in big teamfights or for attacking/defending the objectives. With this build you can still help your team even without the Ult (e.g. jumping a solo enemy with Mo's Ult) or you can split push/clean lanes and farm (try not steal all of the farm from your team)
Check Annotations and GLHF!
Generally Left to Right, Buy Situational Items if preferred
Do not skip for any other Spirit Item since we need it for Improved Spirit and Boundless Spirit
You can buy Monster Rounds if preffered. Do not upgrade into Titanic Magazine
You can buy Healing Rite or Extra Regen if the Lane is too hard. First Green Item you can sell if you have no Slots
You can buy Extra Stamina if preffered
Increases Range of the Stun and Ultimate which helps a lot
You can sell it later for one of the Armors (usually after 1 or 2 Late Game Items, but depends on the situation) or to buy Unstoppable if you have no slots
Buy ONLY if preferred
Instead of Basic Magazine. Gives Extra HP Regen and Extra Damage to Creeps
Instead of Sprint Boots. Good against characters like Warden. You can later buy Superior Stamina if you have extra Souls
Instead of Enduring Spirit if Lane is too hard
Generally Left to Right, Last 3 Items are for Flex Slots
Makes it even faster to run between Lanes and Farming Camps
Decreases Cooldown of your Abilities and Items
Increases the Duration of your Abilities and Items (most importantly 3rd Skill and Ult)
The most important Weapon Item for Seven that boosts your 3rd Skill damage even further
If you followed Second Row from Left to Right, at this point with maxed out 3rd Skill you can farm Tier 3 creeps easily
There is no reason for Bullet Lifesteal since our "Gun damage" mostly comes from 3rd Skill, which does Spirit Damage. Second Green Item you can sell if you have no Slots
After Improved Spirit I usually buy Superior Cooldown and Enduring Speed before choosing one of the Late Game Items
To Ultimate since it has the longest Cooldown and is more important than the 3rd Skill
If opponents have too many abilties that slow you or/and you got extra Souls to spend if you are not rushing anything
Buy after Imroved Spirit and Superior Cooldown when Flex Slot is available (order is up to your preference/game situation, e.g. too many opponents who use Gun damage)
Buy after Imroved Spirit and Superior Cooldown when Flex Slot is available (order is up to your preference/game situation, e.g. opponents have too much Healing/Lifesteal)
Buy after Imroved Spirit and Superior Cooldown when Flex Slot is available (order is up to your preference/game situation, e.g. opponents have too much Spirit Resist)
Sell Enchanting Barrier for Bullet Armor, buy Improved Bullet Armor when you have enough Souls next
Sell Enchanting Barrier for Spirit Armor, buy Improved Spirit Armor when you have enough Souls next
Buy immediately after Bullet Armor
Buy immediately after Spirit Armor
Check Annotations
My personal first Core Late Game slot. If opponents have too many stuns, you can rush Unstoppable instead. Otherwise I usually buy Leech next
My personal second Core Item for Seven after Boundless Spirit since it makes both your Ult and Gun damage better. After Leech it is usually the time to buy Unstoppable
You can rush it if opponents stun you out of your Ultimate or characters like Wraith/Mo&Krill focus you. You can buy Superior Duration to prolong the Unstoppable
Do not buy it before Unstoppable if opponents stun you out of the Ultimate all the time
Great item for both Defensive and Offensive purposes (usually there is no point of buying it before 2 or more other Late Game Items)
A great Item in Super Late Game, but is not really rushable before Unstoppable and at least Leech (the longer you are in the Ult, the deadlier you become)
Sell Basic Magazine. Increases your Damage from 3rd Skill while also decreasing Cooldown of your abilities. I usually buy it if there are no Flex Slots and I already have other more important items (Boundless Spirit, Leech, Unstoppable)
You can sell Enduring Spirit or Spirit Lifesteal and buy Debuff Remover if you play versus annoying characters like Pocket or Bebop
Do not rush before Late Game Items
Great Item against characters who use Gun Damage
To Ultimate. Increases the duration of both Abilities and Items
To Ultimate so it covers even more range
Increases your Gun Damage from 3rd Skill but is not a High Priority Item since we have to focus on Ultimate
Raio Globular
Carga Elétrica
Surto de Energia
Nuvem Tempestuosa