O Guarda lidera a linha de frente, saltando para a batalha e dificultando a efetividade dos seus adversários. Mas toda essa coragem também pode ser vista como imprudência, e ele pode entrar em apuros facilmente caso não tenha cuidado.
O Guarda lidera a linha de frente, saltando para a batalha e dificultando a efetividade dos seus adversários. Mas toda essa coragem também pode ser vista como imprudência, e ele pode entrar em apuros facilmente caso não tenha cuidado.
essentially carbattery build except i annotated it + changed some items.
any questions twitch.tv/Xera. also i'm making a youtube video explaining the build in more detail
read annotations and buy as needed, can rush cold front if you get lucky
good damage early, also good into spirit damage lanes + buffs your own abilities dmg
synergizes well, you can all-in at this point if enemy abilities are down + if your aim is good
can buy early if you're getting poked a lot by bullets. good synergy with viper's kit
insane item. scales all your abilities, gives you move speed at max stacks so you can get to camps faster
if you need hp regen early, buy this + MR + regen. otherwise this item just makes your 2 hit like a truck
gets you tanky, simple
helps you not be 1 hp the whole time
stamina + vyper = good time. also helps you avoid ganks
can buy earlier. pls start farming with this but remember minions > camps
usually left to right, but if you need the armor sooner buy it sooner, same with lifesteal
both tesla + cf sounds crazy but trust all the seconds saved adds up more than you realize, also spirit resist OP
on 1. does good poke early, also the ability is pretty spamable so this is just good
lifesteal = good pretty simple
good into most teams, just makes you tankier in general too
ok start farming every t3 camp now. remember lane minions > camps. you arent buying this for damage
super cheap damage increase, synergizes with tesla bullets as well
read annotations and buy what makes sense. DON'T HAVE TO BUY EVERYTHING
prio this vs lots of gun damage. otherwise you can wait
90% of the time i buy this before the other items here. because tesla + burst = faster farm and the passive is great for escaping/catching
if you're against like talon, yamato, AND lash, other burst spirit characters, buy this earlier if you're struggling
if you are way ahead, enemy isn't really focusing you, you don't need survivability, get this AFTER burst fire.
i like this vs calico, abrams, characters that melee a lot or just force themselves close to you. good vs gun teams also, the slow is good too
most underrated item. being able to double jump and double air dash is INCREDIBLY good. i buy this when they don't have too much lockdown
this item is never bad, please fit it in somewhere
once you get this you can just ignore a lot of characters. you also can just press this whenever for a heal
if gun damage is a problem and escalating isn't enough OR you have a free slot, buy this. IMO not a priority item.
same thing as berserker. if gun damage = problem buy this, the passive is good obviously but IMO if you're 50% hp that's scary
i've been buying this as my first 6k lately and it's super good vs spirit teams or yamato/geist/dynamo/mo AKA EVERY GAME. also OP with debuff remover
if you already have silencer and vs a ton of bullet resist (yamato, warden, bebop, viscous), this item means you do damage again
in games where i am ahead but worry about being tanky, this item gives you 40% both resists and a ton of HP. very good
vs teams that debuff remover doesn't work against (dynamo, lash, holliday, pocket, bebop) this item is necessary.
i buy this early sometimes when holliday/lash/dynamo/paradox/bebop are on the same teams
i buy this when i'm way too fed and don't already have crippling
can be good if you have to frontline. or if lash/paradox/bebop are problems on enemy team and you need protection ASAP
Adaga Serrada
Veneno Letal
Bola Petrificante