Adaga não tem interesse algum em jogar limpo — afinal, ele usa artifícios sujos para enfraquecer os inimigos e então avança para matá-los.
Adaga não tem interesse algum em jogar limpo — afinal, ele usa artifícios sujos para enfraquecer os inimigos e então avança para matá-los.
Knife build that uses Slice n Dice to survive early game before knives come online
First flex slot is for purples, rest are for greens
Extra Spirit duo, Ammo scav solo
Sell for Warpstone
good in lane, good use of slot while we upgrade everything else
Get Ammo Scav in solo lanes
Get Extra Spirit in duo lanes
Infuser -> 2 -> knives
Better value than Extra Health, Sell for Spirit Lifesteal later
Hang on to this as long as possible, if you have to sell, get Kinetic Dash
Never sell, not in a hurry to upgrade either
Shoot jungle creeps before Cold front/Dash for extra healing
Good damage on a spirit build
Sell Scav/Infuser, Resto
Sell Scav or Infuser
Sell Restorative
Fill Flexs
Must have, usually sell Enduring Spirit for
Shiv is often the target for CC, get this almost every game, 2nd or 3rd flex slot
Reduce antiheal efficiency, get this almost every game, 2nd or 3rd flex slot
If you still have Extra Spirit
Sell Infuser, Imbue on Knives
Most common upgrade path for HPW
Fantastic item, often first 6k
If you had to sell Extra stam, this is often needed
Most damage oriented option, can also sell Mystic Shot for it in the very lategame
Imbue on 1, gives much better value than Rapid Recharge
Insane Resists
Almsot always a good pickup, even more so vs Infernus/Pocket
Dodge Last ult, survive Paradox/Bebop reposition, fantastic Item
Pocket hater alert
Vindicta/Talon, +1 stamina is nice aswell
Generally 2nd or 3rd 6k, prioritise 3k cooldown and Rapid Recharge
Facas Serradas
Fatiar e Picar
Golpe Mortal