Ao impedir a movimentação inimiga e punir aqueles que olharem na sua direção, o Corvo cria oportunidades para apunhalar os seus inimigos pelas costas.
Ao impedir a movimentação inimiga e punir aqueles que olharem na sua direção, o Corvo cria oportunidades para apunhalar os seus inimigos pelas costas.
After analysing several popular bomb paradox builds, I think I have discovered the one that is right for me, and perhaps for you.
Focus on getting big combos to pick people off.
Buy 1
Good for poke and when you are not taking restorative locket
Best if taking heavy burst damage and need to heal afterward and you dont want restorative locket
Best in duo lane or against spammy characters like giest
Any order
Best 500 gun item for paradox
Good poke in lane, eventually sell if out of slots
Good for bursting people in lane, sell later for flex slot if needed
This item is insane for more hp and getting fortitude later
Really high value 500 item, consider buying extra stamina instead if you buy restorative locket
big bomb, further swap, and eventually upgrade for BIG bomb
Gives you back a vitality slot and good for comboing slippery opponents
Really good stats and good against big healing characters
Buy early to prevent heavy gun damage and buff your gun in lane
Buy if taking heavy spirit damage, usually the better option as it scales well with the spirit build.
left to right generally, imbude literally everything on 1
More burst damage
Absurdly good with swap combo
Cripple their defense even more
Really high value item with good stats for paradox
Works with carbide so you can delete people with swap bomb combo and heal to full
Usually your first flex slot item, rush t3 farms after you buy this, also doubles your bombs obviously
You can sell your heal for this or just upgrade into movement hex for the slot, provides really good sustain and antiheal, buy earlier if enemy is healing a lot
Larger explosions give you more room for error and more area denial
Long = Strong
Good sustain, consider buying an improved armor, or a 6000 vitality item about now
Increases your uptime in fights, imbude on 1
More stacking damage amp
MORE lifesteal, MORE range, MORE slow, MORE rage from your enemies. (Imbude on 1)
Depends on the situations, all annotated if nessecary
Buy this instead of enduring spirit if you want
Buy if against a stupid bebop player or a shiv, infernus, etc
Buy if against heavy debuff characters like mo, abrams, infernus, shiv, and you get the picture
Vs heavy bullet damage
Vs heavy Spirit damage
If you can't get out of a lot of situations, you can sell high velocity for this.
Screw this person specifically. (If someone is carrying them buy this to shut them down)
Heavy burst damage like bebop bombs, lash ult, etc.
Good if you are really ahead to shut down high bullet damage teams
Perhaps buy vitality sooner if ahead and not needing the damage
Really good lifesteal and heal denial, by now sell enduring spirit and decay
You had armor?
More spirit amp, this is very low priority
If you want to super rangemax your bombs
Granada Pulsante
Parede Temporal
Carabina Cinética
Troca Paradoxal