Ao impedir a movimentação inimiga e punir aqueles que olharem na sua direção, o Corvo cria oportunidades para apunhalar os seus inimigos pelas costas.
Ao impedir a movimentação inimiga e punir aqueles que olharem na sua direção, o Corvo cria oportunidades para apunhalar os seus inimigos pelas costas.
From the maker of seven top Mcginnis builds and seven top Trapper builds, ive come and made a Mo&Krill ult build!! roam around the map and get free easy picks with your ult and get so tanky you can ult their team carry in the middle of a big team fight!!
Everything here can be sold later (or upgraded) | We play 6 stacks often!
Imbue on scorn, greatly increases scorn damage and healing and reloads your weapon
Sell for Slowing Bullets
Buffs your scorn damage in lane, sell later
Extra tankyness for lane
+1 sprint and more fire rate to finish low enemies off a little bit faster
Lets you dash in and out for scorn/burrow easier until you get tanky, can be sold later
Makes ult easier to land and buffs scorn/burrow range a bit, can be sold later
Increases roam speed when looking for picks, Enduring speed has slow reduction for better chasing and escaping
QSR on Scorn, Use Alc Fire before ulting
Torment Pulse is a massive amount of your damage. It does damage during ult and you want to be in range of the enemy for burrow/scorn too
Helps you catch enemys and escape in burrow
Increases healing from scorn and makes your ult have 125% lifesteal
REMEMBER TO THROW BEFORE ULTING!!! Adds an insane amount of extra damage to targets you ult and adds presure and zoning in teamfights
Increases ult duration, buffs burrow time and disarm duration as a bonus
Increases the dps of ult and burrow
Increases roam speed when looking for picks, Enduring speed has slow reduction for better chasing and escaping
Roam and callout for ults on alone enemys
gives move speed for roaming, gives you a lot more health for tankyness and heals you out of combat so you can get back into the fight faster
Makes you tankier during ult, adds 200+ total damage, increases ult duration, and has CDR
Lets you ult again sooner and more scorns in a fight
More tanky so you can ult in a big teamfight better
More tanky so you can ult in a big teamfight better
Saves stamina, gives fire rate, and has decent vitality stats
increase ult duration by 0.65 seconds and adds 100 damage, and has LOTS of good base stats
Massive DPS spike, Torment pulse adds stacks and high stacks makes your ult do so much extra damage
Imbue on ult, Increases ult duration, buffs burrow time and disarm duration as a bonus
More tanky so you can ult in a big teamfight better
More tanky so you can ult in a big teamfight better
Imbue on ult, lets you ult again sooner and more scorns in a fight
Makes you even more extremly tank when you ult their carry in a big teamfight
Helps you teleport onto your target to instantly ult them and comes with a nice 15% spirit res
Counter to lots of enemy CC during your ult, can be used mid ult too Comes with nice bullet resist and spirit power
If the enemy team has one gigafed carry then buy this to double ult them for over 8k damage (before resists) and CCing them for over 8 seconds also comes with a ton of resists
Counters: Bebop bombs, Pocket affliction, silences and disarms, slows, Abrams charge stun (until they have SUPERIOR duration), infernus afterburn and catalyst and EE stacks, Haze fixation stacks, EE stacks, slowing hex, decay, withering whip, knockdown, Mirage stacks, Geist Malice stacks, Seven's stun, Warden's binding word, reduces wraith ult, reduces all stuns and roots, etc.
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