Gastar vida para alcançar efeitos devastadores é a fonte do poder da Lady Geist. E quando essa fonte seca, ela pode drenar a vida dos seus próprios adversários.
Gastar vida para alcançar efeitos devastadores é a fonte do poder da Lady Geist. E quando essa fonte seca, ela pode drenar a vida dos seus próprios adversários.
Old version of build before the map got reworked.
Take from Left to Right. Read all item annotations.
Absolutely broken damage item. Just aim at the neck at medium ranges.
Healing outscales Extra HP's Value. Do not spam Heavy Melee unless you can play around Parry. See Melee Items HMC.
Massive powerspike early game. Combined with headshot booster, will allow you trade very well. Scales into late game.
Gives you sustain and spirit power. Upgrade into SLOWING HEX if against Calico or Lash in lane.
Spirit damage from all sources gives you rage. Very important throughout the game until you get IB.
Will amp all your spirit damage, including Torment Pulse. Lifesteal works independantly from other items, so its not diminished.
Take if you need to sustain.
Strong lane game sustain. Sell later.
Grab if you want to clear your waves asap and get to box smashing. Makes jungle creep clearing faster as well.
Strong sustain item. Provides a hefty bullet shield early.
Take from Left to Right. Build is based around Dash and Torment Pulse Mix-Max with CDR and Amp.
Rush against Warden or Geist. Strong for overall mobility. Sell later for enduring speed and Kinetic Dash.
Extends range on all abilities. Extremely cost efficient for a 500 item. Pick up whenever you have a spare 500 souls.
Provides tank stats and a strong passive that allows you to splitpush. Get this item if you need to splitpush.
The sooner you buy Tormented Pulse, the more value you will get out of it. Scales off rage, spirit and CDR.
Get ASAP to start getting your dash cooldown lower.
Better powerspike due to Leech being to expensive. STILL RUSH LEECH IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT.
PUT ON YOUR DASH. Rush if ahead. Lowers cooldown on everything including Torment Pulse.
Choose 1 or 2.
Pretty much essential in any meta. Reduces any debuff duration. Also good statline.
RUSH IF AGAINST MIRAGE, GEIST. One of the best healing items in the game. Healing really stacks up over the game.
Take from Left to Right. Sell Enduring Spirit, Mystic Reach, Melee Lifesteal and Extra Stamina. Build defensive items since enemies will start focusing you. Items here maximise building rage due to how spirit scaling works.
Very strong item against sustain meta. The sustain from this huge since meta has shifted to early teamfights. Sell Enduring Spirit for this.
Rage generation is based off multiple sources of damage including Improved Burst. Will help you get a full rage bar asap.
Super important in Anti Heal meta. Grab afrer you have your basic lifesteal items.
PUT ON DASH. Deals 50% damage on top of your SoP and Improved Burst, will also slow enemies so you can easily land Echo Dash. Sell Mystic Reach for this.
Pretty essential now where debuffs are everywhere and slowing hex and CC will counter you. Also heals a good chunk of HP.
Best defensive choice for a cheap cost. Activate when in danger OR to allow your dash come off from cooldown. Drain your Deferred HP with out losing HP.
PUT ON YOUR DASH. Will imbue your dash to deal more damage, while not reducing the amount of rage generated.
CDR was removed but builds out of Healbane now. Sell Spirit Lifesteal for this.
End game mandatory. Get it earlier if you are being hard focused with CC.
Take armor if you the enemy team is stacked on either spirit or bullet damage. Buy situationals below otherwise.
Good to round out your tank stats.
Everyone deals bullet damage, but pick it up after spirit armor.
Important against spirit heavy comps.
Important against bullet dps comps.
Best tank item in the game. Pickup when you have 6k souls but don't want to buy just one improved armor.
Dash Melee build is optional. Use Fleetfoot to Heavy Melee Cancel.
Lowkey broken. You can steal multiple sources of spirit res and spirit power. Situational against lots of tanks.
Extremely Strong with Healing Booster. Throw some heavy melees in a teamfight in between dashes and heal 500 health.
Good for its statline. Very helpful to stick to enemies as a situational pick.
Able to HMC. Use if you know how to use movement techs.
Pick up one of these if you need a specific counter.
RUSH AGAINST HAZE OR WRAITH. Very good statline, but not as important as it was.
RUSH AGAINST CHARACTERS WITH MOVEMENT LIKE LASH. Will give you tank stats and sustain.
RUSH AGAINST KELVIN. Otherwise pickup end game where mystic reverb is everywhere for slow resist.
The anti Haze item. Use it late game to kill her outright OR use it to buy time to run away since her ult will last longer than Metal Skin.
RUSH AGAINST FLYERS. Shiv really struggles to get picks without his team or any CC in his kit, so Knockdown is really good.
RUSH into an enemy team that has a lot of Bullet DPS heroes like Haze, Wraith, Vyper etc.
Combined with Hunter's Aura, this reduces enemy attack speed around you by over 50% which is huge value. Tank stats got buffed.
Good against tankier enemies OR you want to transition into Hybrid Knives with EE later.
Despite being nerfed, it's worth a lot more due to scaling all your spirit damage. Consider buying against tanky matchups like Abrams/ MoKrill etc.
Provides more CDR not just for your dash and all your item cooldowns. Extra spirit power but will reduce your rage generation.
Improve CDs of all abilities, turns Torment Pulse into a DPS monster. Ulting will give you a huge shield that can save you and chain ult.
Really strong but I think it's better for the late game. If you are a god at aiming, grab it earlier.
Extra stamina but its on a 3k gun item? Buy this if don't have extra stamina anymore. Sell Headshot Booster for this.
Gundash item. If you are looking to end the game quicker and you don't have leech yet, get this instead.
Good against stacked movement slows. Shoutout to Shiv Slide Enthusiast on Discord.
Very good value whether sidesplitting or teamfighting. Debuffing all enemies around you is very strong.
Extremely busted item due to the amount of raw stats it provides.
Taken out of the build. Still decent.
Situationally good. Take if you are just farming.
Situationally good. Just make sure you don't get harrased while using it or you won't get the full heal.
Have a spare 500 souls and an empty gun slot? Pick this up for the sprint ms. Good as a final teamfight item.
Builds into Spirit Snatch now. Very good against spirit poke in lane.
Strong early game for your knife poke. Will deal up to 500+ damage on a single target if perfectly stacked. Sell later.
Transition to knives in late game. SKIP IF YOU NEED OPTIONAL TANK ITEMS.
Got Nerfed Rip.
Pretty decent at generating rage. It's not that useful in a dashbuild though.
Mostly to help cleanup with ult. Will extend range of all your item passives including torment pulse.
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