Holliday depende da sua habilidade de pontaria, atirando contra objetos que ela lançou no ar. Com uma boa mira, ela pode causar dano pesado. As suas habilidades de movimentação a permitem isolar-se de inimigos ou partir em retirada.
Holliday depende da sua habilidade de pontaria, atirando contra objetos que ela lançou no ar. Com uma boa mira, ela pode causar dano pesado. As suas habilidades de movimentação a permitem isolar-se de inimigos ou partir em retirada.
Lane phase: Most time you'll use gun, use Beam and Ice path SMARTLY, cause of long cooldowns (Make sure to coordinate with teammate before going in).
Lane/Early: Basic items for further down in Lane or entering Early game, I suggest EB and MV for more damage (Also don't be afraid to T2 Grenade for extra heals).
Mid/Late: You will need to Farm and join team fights from here on out, buy whichever suits your need (I recommend IR, SC, any Support item, SOP along with Arcane Surge).
Late game/Endgame: Buy escalating first, not only an increase in damage but also supportive for teammates also using spirit, rest you may do in order or choose (For Qaulity of Life I recommend one armor of your choice, keeping one support item, and Leech).
Extra Notes: You should have enough room for Alchemical Fire, and should you center you build around 4/Ult, Diviners Kevlar is there.
Mystic Slow is there should you not feel the need for Arcane Surge or you just hate Guns.
Early Gun dmg + Spirit Power. Infuser for jumping in
Warden will appreciate you
Basic Beam Damage
Beam Lengthener 101
Caution: Jumping in will not always go your way, be wary.
Early heals + Grenade spam
Classic Lane Phase
To heal yourself and others (Just don't get hit)
Some good ole Grenade spam (very optional)
Supressor for Quality of Life/Counter or Arcane Surge for longer durations
Useful for yourself and others
Rip Amazon Kelvin (Buff Ice path plz)
Standard Beam Extender
For any annoying Gun people i.e Haze, Wraith, Vindicta, etc.
One step towards Arcane Surge
Just a nice Quality of Life extender
Necessities and Support
Someone make Hockey Skin for Kelvin Please (Or Skates) :)
Great Anti-Spirit, and Great Spirit Dmg.
"Healing Booster," I mean... why not?
Imbue all on Beam, SOP for Beam or Ice Path
You may Choose either "Fast Movement," or "Lethality"
Fleetfoot & Heroic Aura great for Ice path Speed
Reminder: Always gain consent of fellow teammates before reeling em in, if not, you may let them perish
If need be, buy over rescue beam
Basic Ice Path necessity
A Support item AND Speed, Perfect Equilibrium
Imbue MR on Nade
Very useful for other Spirit Teammates, and yourself
Beam has peaked
Two Grenades can both open and End the fight with just this, make sure to build up as much escalating as possible first.
Late Quality of Life items. Alchemical For Ult
Almost everyone will have this, so why not YOU
Whether you got this early or now, you will notice Haze still does dmg
You are a hyprocrite
Standard for setting a Glacial Dome on fire (Do with that information as you will)
Honestly depends if you want your Ult to be more influential in the build
Granada Congelante
Caminho de Gelo
Feixe Ártico
Abrigo Gélido