Dínamo revigora os seus aliados e a si mesmo enquanto aguarda o momento certo. Poucas coisas são mais eficazes para virar uma luta entre equipes do que uma Singularidade bem coordenada.
Dínamo revigora os seus aliados e a si mesmo enquanto aguarda o momento certo. Poucas coisas são mais eficazes para virar uma luta entre equipes do que uma Singularidade bem coordenada.
Rush Frenzy to literally double your ammo (Frenzy ammo scales with +%ammo)
This build literally deals over 1000 damage per shot at point blank and you can reach 4 shots per second in late game (which is 4000+ dps lmao)
Yes!! I am creating and hosting a deadlock hide and seek gamemode! On January 3rd from 2pm to 9pm EST I will stream it live for the first time on twitch and it is going to be this big event! Intrested in joining? Then join my discord!! discord.gg/AEeHgTXUhT and also go follow my twitch too: twitch.tv/reythepuppygirl
Use your 1 and 2 to zone the enemy and your gun does crazy burst damage at point blank
Everyone always forgets that this gives +6% fire rate
QSR on Silktrap. After 1 is maxed always get any t3 camps
Sell later
Buy Glass before Frenzy if stomping lane
Always stay in point blank range of the enemy for max dmg
Can be important
Fantasmicida Engarrafado
Armadilha de Seda
Barreira de Pragas
Peste Rastejante