Rottamando e riutilizzando i componenti, Demolix può smontare i soldati, annientare i nemici con la sua Palla da demolizione e catturare tutti i nemici nella sua Trappola statica.
Rottamando e riutilizzando i componenti, Demolix può smontare i soldati, annientare i nemici con la sua Palla da demolizione e catturare tutti i nemici nella sua Trappola statica.
Eternus 6 Seven OTP
Video Guide on YouTube: NatansMe
Hover Over Items for Annotations
Max Order: 3(8k Souls) > 4(19k) > 2(33k) > 1(47k)
NatansMe on YT / Twitch / Discord
@NatansMe on Deadlock Discord if you have any questions
Roughly Left to Right | Triple 500 Weapon to Take Guardian Fast
Solid item, helps with clearing troopers and poking. Adds 3 extra bursts in your mag = 3 more Power Surge procs before reloading
Seven's gun is pretty good early, this is the highest damage 500 you can buy. Easy to stay above the threshold with healing rite
You can't get punished for hardpushing anymore, clear wave faster and take enemy Guardian
Gives over 200 HP
14 Spirit power on a 500 item, Health Regen and Health help with weak lane phase, builds into Improved Spirit later on
Pop BEFORE Surge or before ult, sell for slot if needed mid/late game
Some Spirit Lifesteal and some Health, builds into Slowing Hex later on
Buy as soon as needed, keeps you on the map during early mid game as well
Roughly Left to Right | Top Row First
A spirit shield and some extra duration and cooldown for 3. Gives 0.5 Movespeed as well for Seven
Hit your Mystic Shots you lil rat I know you're reading this
Good against everyone. When you put stun on them, they panic and waste all their stamina with hex on them.
Imbue on 3, more damage movespeed and firerate. Highest damage item you can buy for Surge
Seven spreads Healbane very easily. Can swap with Debuff Reducer depending on game
Better than Duration for Surge(3) uptime and reduces all your item cooldowns. First Flex slot, skip for now if no flex
Sell Monster Rounds for Slot
Sell Healing Rite for slot. So many debuffs in this game, always a good item
Sell HPW. Run fast perma, fast rotations, chase or run when getting chased, slidemaxx and get ammo ezpz
Just a solid item, boosts all your abilities' damage, can pick up a bit earlier if you randomly have 3k souls
Gigabroken, make sure to AIR dash not ground dash, you move way faster.
Sell Infuser for slot if needed. Broken item, panic button every 25 seconds, dodge Lash/Wraith/Pocket ult etc
If you're taking lots of Bullet Damage
If you're taking lots of Spirit Damage
Not good early for Surge, but good for ult, gains value later on
Great vs Firerate reliant characters, builds into Mystic Slow later on
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Imbue on 3, gives you near 100% uptime on it, also decreases all your other ability and item cooldowns ofc
Best T4 item for Seven, you scale with Spirit power in so many ways, solid base stats as well
Cripples gun heroes/firerate reliant heroes (Haze/Infernus/Wraith etc)
If you wanna play double stun
Great to deal with caster characters, pocket lash gheist yamato etc, also knocks vindicta/talon out of the sky
Great item vs casters like Pocket, Lash Yamato, Gheist, guaranteed hit after stun. Solid Substitute for Slowing Hex Late
Big Spirit Amp, great late game pickup
Solid very very late game if you've maxed out balls (47k souls)
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If you wanna lean into ult and actually need unstoppable (enemy team has tons of ways to cancel ult)
VS Spirit heavy comps
VS Weapon-Heavy teams
Cleanses Pocket ult, Infernus burn, Wraith ult or any other negative effect like a firerate slow
Great late game upgrade for Healbane
Great vs gun heavy comps
Great to survive dive, think Yamato, Shiv Abrams
Might be better on the new map to have more movespeed
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Gives 30% bullet resist after tp, very short cd with Superior CD. Good item if you like it.
Vs lots of healing and tanky comps, only really worth it if they have like Gheist Abrams Shiv Infernus Kelvin
Great late game weapon slot option, the shred also helps your teammates
Great item, more firerate and spirit power on weapon item, sell Basic Mag for slot
Might actually be really good now, lot more room for ambushes on new map
Great if you're forced to play at range, also increases 3 falloff range
If you want more movement speed/firerate, slide distance and slow resist, solid item
Good item if you like it
BAD ITEM DO NOT PRIORITIZE, but No-brainer upgrade if you have the souls for it very late game
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