Aracno può infestare il campo di battaglia con i suoi ragni spettrali, lasciando maledizioni latenti in zone chiave. Se lasci che Aracno agisca, non sarai in grado di muoverti nella mappa senza far scattare qualche tipo di trappola.
Aracno può infestare il campo di battaglia con i suoi ragni spettrali, lasciando maledizioni latenti in zone chiave. Se lasci che Aracno agisca, non sarai in grado di muoverti nella mappa senza far scattare qualche tipo di trappola.
Build for people that want to watch the world burn. Use your
abilities to remove bullet resist to do insane damage with your
Centered around "Trapper's Gun."
You chose this build because you're sick of your teammates not capitalizing on your ulitity, thus you must do everything yourself with your amazing weapon. I get it man, I really do, but I promise you won't make friends this way.
Prepare for total enemy death.
Up in their face and destroying their dreams of having fun.
More damage! Hooray! OF COURSE. (SELL LATER FOR SLOTS)
One shot minions 5 minutes into the game. Probably. (SELL LATER FOR SLOTS)
More ammo to unload into your enemies. (SELL LATER FOR SLOTS IF NEEDED)
More ammo and more regen! (SELL LATER IF NEED SLOTS)
More health to keep in their faces. (SELL LATER IF NO PLANS TO GO INTO FORTITUDE)
I'm runnin' circles around ya!
Speed blitz into their face and win the video game.
If you're cracked enough to hit those fast orbs, go for it. Your spread is ABSOLUTE.
Always nice to have when you're not building spirit and instead spamming annoying trips.
It's over before it has even begun.
More slow to make sure they don't have a chance to run away.
Dump your mag. Dump it all...
No movement speed penalty to kill everybody you love.
Become the most healthy person on this planet. (SELL LATER IF YOU PLAN ON HEALBANE --> LIFESTEAL)
This is an item that can be used.
You have a -15% spirit resist. Not a lot of people know, but now you do.
Adrenaline from L4D2, I don't have any more jokes besides this. I love Sprint Boots a lot.
(IMBUE ON literally anything lmfao) Instant reload!!!!
If you land your shots perfectly, they should just disappear from the plane of Deadlock.
My bad, NOW it's officially over.
Unload your entire clip into their dome at increasingly high speeds.
Just like the game, this is where you want to be.
Since you're in their face, this will help a lot.
In case they're too high to reach.
Be increasingly healthy and tanky for more of that succulent damage.
You will need it if you're in the front lines. (GET BULLET ARMOR IF YADA YADA YOU KNOW)
Damn Trapper! Back at it again with the new Puke Green Jacket mixed with the Baby Blue shirt!
You don't really need any other spirit item for a long time, but this is nice in case you can't reach them in the sky.
Ascend into the Iris; for your gun is now the ultimate burst damage god.
The picture is the amount of dopamine you will get when this activates.
Who cares if you die in a slight breeze?
Sure. Just sure.
What are they going to do to you now? KILL YOU?
Okay, NOW you can't possibly die.
Fantasmicida pronto uso
Trappola di seta
Barriera antiparassitaria
Piaga strisciante