Dengan menggali di bawah tanah, Mo dan Krill dapat mendekati siapa pun. Begitu mereka sudah mendekat, situasinya bisa jadi sangat buruk bagi musuh.
Dengan menggali di bawah tanah, Mo dan Krill dapat mendekati siapa pun. Begitu mereka sudah mendekat, situasinya bisa jadi sangat buruk bagi musuh.
This is a Spirit Mo & Krill build focused on always getting in and out of fights. Big on Combo mid game and Burrow spam late game. 2/25/25
Very annotated so new Mo & Krill players can understand the what and why of the character. Hope this helps someone :)))) come check me out :)))))))
First buys - Left to Right - focusing self-healing and movement - 3k souls
More passive healing, great for Mo & Krill as he already has a lot of burst healing, but needs passive in order to get back into the fight quickly.
Shotguns struggle long range for damage and this helps for sitting in waves, plus the extra passive health regen. Should be the last gun slot from lane that you sell since it helps with objectives.
Four Stamina Charges allows for a lot of Dash-Jumps, which you should be doing a LOT. Will get rid of eventually because you'll get so much movement speed and health you wont need it as much..
Very necessary for laning, the extra damage helps a lot and as Mo & Krill you rarely go below 65% during laning.
If you buy these in order, you should have Level 2 Scorn, and you'll deal enough damage for this to proc for ~198 healing per hero hit. Very important for early healing against difficult heroes in lane.
Good overall, provides some healing, dmg and movement. Will need for Enduring Speed later.
All of Mo & Krill's abilities have ranges and this just helps all of them. Very good but can be skipped if needing damage.
I like to avoid this and just buy passive healing because of the massive hitbox, but it does come in clutch if ur at the shop and need to go right back to fight. Just be sure not to get hit while it's healing you.
Good for playing under their tower super aggressive, and makes the games super offensive. At best, hitting players off cooldown, is about 6.6 healing per sec on average. At worst, it's 2.5 healing per sec off cooldown.
Second buys - Left to Right - after all are bought you are now ONLINE and your ult will start REALLY hurting - 14k souls
The core of your build, necessary EVERY time. Helps with lanes, kills, farms; does absurd passive damage.
Lowers the cooldown of every ability and active item. Buy so you can spam more ultimates. Alternatively Mystic Vulnerability is a good buy, if your team is super spirit based.
Necessary for overall movement. Same cooldown as T3 Burrow, use with it every time. Make sure to get an armor after buying all of core. Very good for taking on early towers.
Use in combination with ult. Will deal extra damage and make your team deal more too. Use for the Big farms, and Walkers. Good passives as well. You will probably get rid of it late late game. Like 50 minutes.
No other item passive other than Frenzy, which is a 6200, gives this much speed, and its for 1750 total. MUST BUY. Very nice movement slow resist as well.
Changes a lot of timings in build; Changes T2 Combo from 3.25s > 3.77s & extends both burrow and spin time. Necessary.
Third buys - Left to Right - focusing cooldowns
Imbue into Combo, very important for overall cooldowns, buy when you feel your cooldowns arent short enough.
Imbue into Burrow, increases spin and burrow duration. Very good for final build and does more initial damage increase than even Escalating Exposure.
Very good jump in health, and allows for extra movement speed for rotations. Very nice for re-engages.
Bought in whatever order is needed, but will buy all eventually
Important for survivability late game and extra movement, the bullet resist gives you more time for above ground tanky behavior. Starts making your gun hurt again. Buy this or Diviner's Kevlar for first 6k.
Near end game your ult feels more like utility and doesn't do as much damage since they'll buy spirit resist. This will give you a large buff in damage during ults and will give some additional stats and shield for more ult survivability. Sell Mystic Burst/Reach. Alternatively buy Magic Carpet.
Component of Boundless Spirit, which is in the final build. Increases damage to basically everything and gives some nice overall buffs. Can be waited on if you need other niche items first.
Realistically should be your last flex slot. Important for supporting your team and helps you survive encounters a lot more often from it proccing off of Torment.
You can Imbue into really anything but in my opinion Burrow is the best to Imbue into, since its your most DPS and it only gives like an extra 1 meter to Combo. Will increase the size of Alchemical Fire too.
Literally the last item you should buy. When you're engaging outside of base looking for kills you'll probably engage with burrow. This makes it so they can hear you but can't see you coming. 32s cooldown after all cooldown items are bought, extra Spirit is very nice.
For Re-engaging and difficult escapes
Very good for really any build in the current meta since there is a lot of Infernus, Haze, Pocket. Good for clearing stuns and status effects.
A second life and you'll likely have your cooldowns back so you'll either get another engage or a clean escape. Can come in major clutch but it is definitely a luxury item.
Good for early game survivability, and even more speed. With Enduring, Fleetfoot, and Divine, you'll move 20m/s in Burrow. 22 at T3.
Basically a necessary item now with the new map since there's so many railings and verticality built into the map, and you travel most places in Burrow. Also gives almost the same amount of bullet resist as Improved Bullet Armor.
Vitality buys for all game. Get one or both armors. Get them when you start dying, probably after Mid Game; ACTIVES ARE OPTIONAL
If fighting mostly Bullet on the opposing team, build into bullet armor. Check for damages in the Incoming Damage tab after death.
Most of the time you'll want to get Warp Stone before this as it provides almost the same amount of bullet resist and gives some very nice movement.
If fighting mostly Spirit on the opposing team, build into Spirit Armor. Check for damages in the Incoming Damage tab after death.
Really comes down to preference. Good for more maneuverability, and it's got a pretty short cooldown even before the cooldown items are active. Good for hopping between lanes as well for ganks. Great escape tool and engage tool.
Very good for games where you just need more tankiness early on, make sure you have movement items though cause this will slow you down big time. Buy into super strong Vypers or Hazes.
Good for saving teammates who are in a pickle. Results vary by players. Very nice active healing for teammates too.
Specifically buy this for if they have a ton of CC on their team, especially stuns or Curse. Definitely a need if they are running something like a Double Stun Seven, a strong Abrams, or spirit Holliday.
The ultimate catch up tool. Very good for shutting down a Vindicta, Talon, or Bebop who decided to fly.
Counters for certain heroes - OPTIONAL
Good for those fliers or cancellable ultimates.
A very rare buy but good for an insanely oppressive Lash. Takes a spirit slot off so even less likely of a buy.
Good for stopping Calicos or Infernus in the current meta; any other high movement characters will also suffer.
Very nice if you are fighting super fast reactors on the opposing team. Combo is: Scorn > Silence > Exit Burrow > Alchemical > Ult
Buy if they are building a lot of Lifesteal; you can also get the active Decay under Spirit, or the charge up Toxic Bullets under Weapon. Procs off of Torment Pulse. Probably want it every game nowadays.
Below you'll find a final version of the build. It's unrealistic in most games that you'll get it, but it's what you wanna strive for. Total cost of 67,250 souls. Build is built really strong for Ult, and turns into a burrow build near end game.
Increases all Spirit Damage, and a bunch of overall stats you'll need for late game.
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