Penempatan yang tepat sangatlah penting bagi McGinnis, baik dalam menciptakan zona mematikan dalam pertempuran atau memecah tim musuh. Dia mampu membantu timnya untuk terus maju serentak.
Penempatan yang tepat sangatlah penting bagi McGinnis, baik dalam menciptakan zona mematikan dalam pertempuran atau memecah tim musuh. Dia mampu membantu timnya untuk terus maju serentak.
The point of this build is to use Majestic Leap with your Carbine and
Wall, amping your potential to swap, team fight, and split push more
effectively. Carbine applies time stop to yourself when you zoom in
midair, allowing you to look for picks and swaps. When you hit a stop
during leap, you can use your wall to cancel all momentum, allowing
you to get your swap off and through your wall. Leap and Superior
Stam also let you activate Carbine from fay away, allowing for
surprise swaps during hectic team fights that you have yet to join. It
also gives you another escape tool to use after swaps or when in
sticky situations. All in all, a flashy support-esque build.
Around 5K Souls
Helps you secure souls in lane - Builds into Pristine Emblem
Lane harass, especially good for hits with carbine - Builds into Headhunter
Carbine hurts even more now - Builds into Improved Burst
More movement to both survive and capitalize in lane - Builds into Superior Stamina
More health and gun dmg - Builds into Fortitude
Buy when tier 2s pop up - Lets you leave lane to obliterate camps - Sell when you have all flex slots filled and are full build OR need better actives
More gun dmg for being healthy + tiny bit of Spirit Power + Spirit Shield - Sell Later
Increases your Swap range + some bullet res - Sell Later
Spirit Power and Spirit Lifesteal = :) - Sell Later
Gives you sustain from shooting things - Sell Later
Minions get wiped and bonus regen/keeps you in the lane but not winning - Sell later
Allows you to stay in lane if you get close to death - Sell Later
18K - Fill slots first
Procs on your carbine, giving you good dmg in the early game that scales with your spirit
Movement slow + more gun dmg - Sell if strapped for slots - Also builds into GC later if needed
Gives your Carbine power and some survivability - Sell later for an armor when your barriers get shredded
This enables your bread and butter sky swaps. Really good when split pushing near a team fight for surprise swaps - RUSH out of lane
Allows you to deal more dmg early-mid game
More swaps, carbines, and walls = happy :)
Around 34K
Upgrades your burst dmg and gives you survivability. Buy if ahead, buy Pristine if behind
Gives you so much for only 3K, definitely a core item - Go this before HH if you're behind or preference
Helps you get out after Swap and other situations
Extra regen and movement keeps you in the game, extra dmg is also nice
Double jump gives you a crap ton of movement with leap - Also just a broken item
Big dmg on your Carbine now
Imbue Carbine if you're doing dmg - Imbue Wall if you're engaging more
Depends on game
Good against heroes with lots of sustain (Shiv, Abrams, Infernus)
Good if you're against Infernus, Pocket, Shiv etc. or lots of CC
Mostly for Pocket Ult, minimal optimization against Infernus and Shiv
Another good item for after Swaps, keeps you alive in mid game before Div Kev - Also good for supporting teammates
Build if they have TOO MUCH burst Early to Mid game
Good against enemies with lots of sustain - Can sell later for better active items
Enables chase downs for securing kills, especially enemies with movement - Can sell later for better active items
Good against heroes who team fight well - Pocket, Dynamo, Yamato
Good if your team needs a stun, especially against Dynamo, Seven, Bebop, Haze, Vindicta, GT
Good to survive long ass team fights
45K+ Souls/All are situational
Best Tier 4 - Almost a must buy if game gets late
Buy if YOU are the carry
Movement slow and health is nice, also semi nerfs a problem enemy
Upgraded Healbane - Only take if you REALLY need it
Buy if you're dying after Swap a lot
Helps lockdown people after Swap as it applies slow on target, really good - Imbue Carbine
Almost a must buy when games go late
Shuts down an enemy, always good against problem heroes
Dying to gun? Buy this!
Dying to Spirit? Buy this!
Dying to gun? Buy this!
Dying to gun? Buy this!
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