Ivy memiliki trik dahsyat yang dapat memperlambat dan membuat musuh terkena stun. Dia paling efektif saat terhubung dengan rekan timnya, memperkuat senjatanya dan rekan timnya, serta saling menyembuhkan.
Ivy memiliki trik dahsyat yang dapat memperlambat dan membuat musuh terkena stun. Dia paling efektif saat terhubung dengan rekan timnya, memperkuat senjatanya dan rekan timnya, serta saling menyembuhkan.
Debuff Kudzu Ivy.
If you haven't yet, I suggest you watch a video on how to play Ivy effectively. She seems straightforward but is actually quite complex, especially since you can combo her 4 in some wonky ways (Rescue Beam to carry two people, throw Kudzu/Alchemical Fire while still flying etc.)
This build is meant to be a true support. Split push when there's a big teamfight, tear down objectives, deliver the urn like a carrying pidgeon.
Play her like you're playing as a rat. Use her 4 to dive into teamfights when everyone's already low.
Learn how to carry urn solo, it's the most busted way to use her 4.
Focus gun and setting up Kudzu.
Ivy's base magazine has 33 bullets, just enough to finish a trooper, not enough to secure the soul. This brings your ammo up to 42.
More Kudzu is more pressure. Also decreases cooldown between charges. Sets up for Rapid Recharge later.
All of Ivy's abilities benefit from spirit power, most notably your 2's lifesteal and firerate buff.
Makes it harder for enemies to escape Kudzu. Throw this near the shop when enemies are buying items, deals some good unexpected damage.
Makes it easier to kill troopers and neutral camps. Since you kill troopers with less bullets, you get to hit more denies. Buy after Basic Mag.
Buy first if you're in a bad lane. Transitions into Healing Nova. Both these items aren't that good late game as their heal isn't % based like Rescue Beam. They help in laning phase though.
Good for rotating lanes. Works during your 4, making ganks easier and faster.
Good early game HP. Not a necessary buy in the slightest for Ivy, but it transitions into Fortitude later, which boosts your 4's speed.
Nice debuff for your Kudzu. Transitions into it's much more useful upgrade, Mystic Slow.
Second Kudzu debuff, makes it much harder for enemies with self-sustain like Abrams and Shiv to stay around.
Self defense is king. When you get this item, start doing ganks with your 4 more often. Your extra damage makes you a nice finisher.
Almost an obligatory buy for any support to fill their role. A strong % heal that doesn't fall off late-game. Pull teammates getting their ass kicked. You can combo this with your 4 to carry two people.
Third Kudzu and ult debuff. Upgrading your 4 just one time gives enemies a 32% bullet damage vulnerability when they're hit with a bomb.
Transitions into Boundless Spirit later. You'll become a building destroyer soon with your firerate buffs.
Buffs all your healing, including your 2's lifesteal. Not necessary, but a good buy when you're ahead.
Free healing. Use your 2 to buff the healing between yourself and your teammate by 30~%. Depends on how many people are around.
Imbue on your 4. If you bought Fortitude/Enduring Speed you'll notice how absurdly fast you can rotate. Use this to split push, gank, retreat etc.
Lets you slide at any time, good combo with 2 to vomit bullets. Generally a good support item. Pairs well with Burst Fire's extra slide distance
Enemies with slow firing guns like Abrams or Shiv will hate you. With Healbane, even more so. The movement slow will come in hand later with Improved Reach.
Extra Kudzu spam. Decreases the cooldown between charges. Spam this onto enemies when you gank, since you do 4 debuffs on spirit damage.
Imbue 1. Makes it harder for enemies to escape your Kudzu's range, especially since Mystic Slow reduces their speed.
Use when you're taking down a building like a Walker or Patron, increases your teammate's damage by 40%. You can throw this and your Kudzu while flying, pretty much securing a kill while ganking.
Good for rotating lanes, works during your 4. If you bought Surge Of Power you'll move fast enough to fly across the map in less than 30 seconds.
You need to move a little faster than that, son, speed is life.
Extra gun damage, speed, regen. Spirit power to spare, increases 2's lifesteal and fire rate, 1's dps, 4's bullet shield and damage..
Extra slide distance, lets you shoot longer before reloading. Pair with Heroic Aura and 2, fire faster, slide longer.
No brainer buy, you shoot fast, this thing goes up fast. Deal more damage.
Last thing you should be buying. The lifesteal is great, stacks easily with Ivy. The added debuff to enemy healing effectively cripples enemies with self-sustain.
Don't buy both of each color.
Ivy's mobility is a godsend, you can traverse one side of the map to the other, you will be an omnipresent gremlin with this. Buy only if you have enough slots and are rich.
Buy this instead of Refresher if you feel like it. Ivy's mobility is great, and having it as soon as possible is incredibly strong.
Buy if you're taking too much gun damage from Wraith/Haze/Vindicta etc.
Buy if you're taking too much spirit damage from Bebop/Pocket/Seven.
Use on an annoying Grey Talon or Vindicta. Good for cancelling enemy ults like Haze or Seven, but if you can get close enough, you can just slam them with your 3.
Helps you avoid burst damage. Ivy's 3 already does this, but you can save that one for cancelling enemy abilities, and use Ethereal Shift exclusively agaisn't burst damage.
Enemy team has a fed character? Buy this and gank them. If you just really hate someone, buy this too.
Good agaisn't Abrams, Shiv, Dynamo, anyone with good self-sustain or healing. Cuts their healing to half so you can kill them easier.
Buy if an enemy keeps running away (like Lash). If the enemy team has a strong Calico, this item is effectively a cheaper curse, shutting down three of her skills.
Good agaisn't enemies with strong poke, such as Geist, Grey Talon, Kelvin, etc.
Buy if you're laning agaisn't Bebop, Warden, Vindicta. Anyone with a stun. Falls off late game, but good early game.
Generally good item, you'll get value out of it every match. Buy if the enemy team has a strong Bebop, Warden, Wraith etc. Useful for when someone tries to knock you out while you're flying.
Bom Kudzu
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