Salvaging and scrapping for parts, Wrecker can disassemble troopers, crush foes with his Wrecking Ball, and capture all enemies in his Stasis Trap.
Salvaging and scrapping for parts, Wrecker can disassemble troopers, crush foes with his Wrecking Ball, and capture all enemies in his Stasis Trap.
Version 61 brings:
Updated Skill Order
More detailed laning itemization options
For questions or feedback, you can find me in the offical discord under the guide section "CrimsonCore's Buildcrafting Lab"
Testing & Formatting Credits:
// Suggested order; prioritize as needed
Card charge is based on hits, not affected by falloff. Spray at enemy heroes to to get charge and rain down cards on them to trade.
The CD is almost short enough to use every wave. Save up 2 cards, activate, and try to trade often.
Imbue on Card Trick (1). Save a card for reloading.
// If <50%
If you're very low, it's usually better to buy Healing Rite and stay on the map than to full back early.
// Pick Two
[Default] Consider for Spirit Shield and weapon damage.
[Default] Good for splitpushing, farming, freezing, or pressuring to punish enemy roams.
[Solo Lanes] Opt for this in trade heavy lanes. Can replace HPW if you're low before your first buy or need to stack bullet shield.
Consider when you intend to buy Ammo Scav, need to stack Bullet Shield, or need help securing orbs.
Our primary source of sustain. Can be replaced with Leech very late game.
[Flex] Generally good, but can be swapped out for defensive options as needed.
// Pick One
Consider agaisnt squishy lanes. Pair with HVM. Buy early during laning (1st or 2nd) to start stacking.
[vs Aggressive lanes] Stack Spirit shield and provides consistent power for short trades.
Opt for this in lanes that are too tanky to kill or when you plan to heavily farm camps. Can replace AS/MB post lane.
// Replace 500s as needed
While sliding you have infinite ammo and are a smaller target. Use this as often as possible.
Use to rotate faster, kite, or extend our mag during Full Auto (3). Replace Monster Rounds if necessary.
Use slides to spool up the damage as you enter a fight or start an objective.
The Bonus Damage scales multiplicatively with all of our weapon damage. Also increase card charge rate (but this may be a bug).
If you need Bullet Armor. Can replace any 500 or Combat Barrier.
[vs Seven/Warden] [vs Slowing Hex] Can be considered in the early Vit Flex slot.
Can cleanse Warden's Cage / Seven's Stun / Knockdown before they hit you. Upgrade once you start teamfighting.
Upgrade once your core damage is online (after Lucky Shot). Buy earlier if dealing with heavy spirit damage.
[vs Mobility] [Warden/Seven] Alternative to Siphon. Particularly useful vs very fast fleetfoot users.
Alternative to Spiritual Overflow.
Protects you from crowd control and Curse.
Overtunned item; useful on almost any hero against Bullet Damage.
// Replace Extra Charge and Infuser as needed
[vs Infernus/Lash/Shiv/Mirage] [Ganking]
[vs Haze/Ivy/Warden/McGinnis] [vs Gun Builds]
[vs Lash] Remember you can reload during the stasis duration.
[vs Flyers] [vs Vindicta/Grey Talon/Lash/Ivy]
Consider if your team has some AoE teamfight CC like Dynamo.
[vs Pocket/Yamato] [vs Dive] Use to protect yourself from divers and prevent them from avoiding your ult.
Upgrade any other offensive active into Curse late game.
Card Trick
Project Mind
Full Auto