A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps, and clever positioning to bring down the toughest of opponents.
A cunning predator, Grey Talon uses a combination of deadly accuracy, traps, and clever positioning to bring down the toughest of opponents.
you can either max out flask or willpower depending on comp or preference
- max flask = weapon damage debuff, firerate slow, movement slow at a quicker cooldown
- max willpower = ridiculously big spirit shield
for slots sell mag first, hp ward after
you basically never want to be selling this on warden
early sustain, skippable
stats, damage
helps hit our everything basically lmao
gank tool
30% bullet lifesteal, fills a sustain niche outside of ult usage, I often end up with 5-10k in healing from this
not just a power spike, we go online with this item
very important item, dont skip
on ult, speed + damage + firerate, all things we want
great stats
speed and damage
either kevlar or frenzy as first 6k, can get duration extender earlier
core item, also helps survive post ults
great stats, bullet velocity, and damage
great item for closing out games, only issue is that it doesnt refresh your leap. so yeah
utility and late game stuff
lane damage item
hex component
infernus, wraith, mirage, talon, vindicta, ivy and lash (also helps hit binding word, we dont really focus it tho)
more ult dps and firerate, we usually sell have to sell extra spirit post early game for other spirit items tho tbh
anti haze, mirage, any other gun character button
another anti gun item, doesnt feel as good as return fire on warden tbh
reduces DURATIONS of all debuffs, so is strong against curse, silence, abilities that apply debuffs/DOT, etc
anti cc and anti debuff button, definitely worth if the enemy team has a very problematic pocket
Alchemical Flask
Binding Word
Last Stand