Viscoso irrita a sus oponentes mediante una astuta evasión y usos estratégicos de la curación, lo que le permite resistir los ataques enemigos más brutales.
Viscoso irrita a sus oponentes mediante una astuta evasión y usos estratégicos de la curación, lo que le permite resistir los ataques enemigos más brutales.
My version of melee sinclair. (every item is explained)
The idea behind it is to slow them down with coldfront to hit rabbit easier then combo with alch fire to boost melee damage even more and you have ALOT of CC.
Buy cheap oranges if you need to fill slots (Close quarters, hollowpoint, monster rounds)
Helps with securing and denying souls + the gun feels better
Boosts you clone and bolt damage in early game
Sinclair likes firerate + MS
Goated item
Boosts your melee damage and your spirit damage
Melee damage + heals
Helps with rabbit range + clone placement range + the ultimates you steal
You are buying fortitude later, alot good stat item
If you are struggling in lane
Left -> Right
MS + range + shield, very strong for sinclair
Use it when you are about to rabbit someone
Helps you punch people when they are rabbit
Synergizes with rabbit damage amp + paunch
CDR very strong for sinclair
So you dont need to base as much + youre fast
Depending on team comps
If they have alot of heals
Vs alot of cc / pocket ect
Fleet for punch cancel
Max rabbit uptime & warpstone for ultimates
Duration for rabbit and clone. Buy it earlier if they start buying reducers
Double rabbit is very very strong
Imbue with rabbit
for stealing ultimates or combo`s like lash, pocket ulti
(Buy Depending on team comps)
If you need to remove debuffs
Here you kinda want to buy items depending on enemy ultimates
Good synergy with ulti (pocket, lash, dynamo, ect)
If you need to shutdown someone (Sell Divine or coldfront
Imbue with rabbit
If the ultis you steal has good spirit scaling
Imbue with ult or rabbit
Random good items
If they have fed talon / vindicta
If they have alot of hard engage and they catch you
VS fed gun character
op item
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