Calico uses the shadows to her advantage, weaving in and out of combat to hunt down her enemies one by one.
Calico uses the shadows to her advantage, weaving in and out of combat to hunt down her enemies one by one.
Get the largest heal on the scoreboard every game, pull idiots/save people from certain death with rescue beam, and get game-winning ults with this heavy support-focused dynamo build.
HVM first, CC, MR, and EC after, whatever order you need them in.
Sell this later if you need weapon slots, don't bother upgrading to Pristine Emblem, you aren't going to be doing much damage this build.
Useful for early kills. If you anticipate a slow laning against other tanky enemies who like to play safe, skippable.
LEARN HOW TO HEAVY MELEE CANCEL. Trust me, it will make getting ults easier, and also make you faster overall. I find myself not replacing this unless I really need warp stone or MJ, HMC is just such a useful tech.
We will be sacrificing a lot of damage in this build, monster rounds helps us keep up the farm.
Useful for rotating, and we upgrade it later, but can be skipped if you don't need healing at all.
If you have ult, join a fight and use it, even if its only for 1 kill. Otherwise, farm for rescue beam. When you have it, join more fights and try to save teammates.
Get this first if your ult is off cooldown.
Get this first if your ult is on cooldown.
Sell FleetFoot for these, get them at any time after early game items.
Updated to have very long cooldown, not so reliable anymore. Save it for surprise black holes and carrying people around with Rescue Beam.
Generally more reliable and versatile.
If you find yourself getting a lot of value out of your ult, grab the 3 spirit items first, in whatever order you need them. If not, get Hunter's Aura and Superior Stamina to be more generally useful, as well as any situational items.
This, as well as Superior Cooldown, are just good to get even if you aren't using your ult a lot, because it helps your heal greatly as well. Still imbue the ult though.
Sell High-Velocity Mag if you need the space.
Anything else useful, not all items here are equal, a lot are just here because they can be useful rarely.
Slowing Bullets is a good slot-filler here, cheap and gives a little spirit. Take it if you find yourself needing the damage/slow.
Good if no flex slots.
Far more heal reduction as of 7/11/24. Healbane is more reliable, but on characters with burst healing, this is better.
Good, but we are really limited by active slots this build, so only if it gives incredible value, e.i. there is a fed Vindicta.
Our heal scales with spirit, this improves the healing amount, but we are limited by our slots.
Many of these are not needed, I just have everything here which can be useful. Refresher is an easy pick, but Colossus is also very valuable for getting ults, and staying alive during them.
Finally sell Monster Rounds for this if the game is going super long. Don't recommend if you have the slots to buy anything else.
50/50 between bullet and spirit? This is better, it gives spirit power, which boosts your heal.
Colossus' main purpose is to help you land your ults, and to survive them. Incredibly valueable item, recommended particularly amongst late game items.
Remove Healing Nova if your actives are full. This goes for all actives, Healing Nova doesn't scale at all, and can be dropped late-game if needed.
Generally outshone by Colossus if you only need survivability, but can be good for the other bonuses it provides.
1 extra Kinetic Pulse is enough; this is just to upgrade it for more value from the same slot.
Our heal scales with spirit, this massively increases the healing amount.
Kinetic Pulse
Quantum Entanglement
Rejuvenating Aurora