Yamato decimuje své soupeře pomocí přesných útoků z krátké vzdálenosti. Protože se však musí ke svému cíli nejprve přiblížit, mnohdy musí po jeho likvidaci zvolit únik v podobě stínového přízraku.
Yamato decimuje své soupeře pomocí přesných útoků z krátké vzdálenosti. Protože se však musí ke svému cíli nejprve přiblížit, mnohdy musí po jeho likvidaci zvolit únik v podobě stínového přízraku.
MarcoStyle Abrams build.
I'm always updating this, keep a local version if you want to save it.
Never hard engage before you get this item.
Best 500 weapon damage item for Abrams. (also boost melee damage)
The extra 40% lunge is insane for movement. (spamming melee is faster than sprint with this)
adds crazy burst to combo for you and teammates.
You'll feel the stamina regen
Slot filler. I tend to buy purple items very late
choose armor
Heavy melee cancel for hard engages
More burst to combo (esp with extra spirit). Great for camps too.
Makes parry less punishing, helps you get out of a lot of nasty combos.
This item + maxxed out stun gives you an insane powerspike.
Great item to make you a lot beefier early on. Useful to splitpush when behind with HMC. Can be skipped for colossus if ahead.
Adds even more damage to both your melee and weapon. Can be skipped over for other items if ahead.
I often pick this up as my first item in difficult lanes.
If I still struggle after extra regen, I'll buy this on top of that to make sure I don't die.
Another item to buy if I'm having a rough lane.
Early item to buy if I'm winning & want to pressure the lane harder.
First 6k item. Try to always rush this. Makes you unkillable in 1v1s, makes you a true tank in larger fights and acts as a second Heavy Melee Cancel.
I almost always pick this up late game. Allows you to tank more cooldowns without being forced to pop your ult.
Usually this is my second T3 weapon item (after Hunters aura). The stamina allows me to sell Extra stamina and make room for more green slots.
I only buy this if I am far ahead and want to stomp them even harder. Great damage and stats for the value but not too useful otherwise.
The default damage item to buy after colussus. Upgrade to frenzy whenever possible.
Big damage
Great upgrade from melee lifesteal if I'm short on slots.
great pick against spirit heavy comps that rely on longer fights. (infernus, geist, pocket, seven). Procs on light melees.
Double Ult Abrams is actually goated. Create so much space for your team. Never give midboss away.
Sometimes you need the early knockdown. It feels bad to buy on Abrams but it's better than losing.
If you get bursted down too fast or if they have unavoidable spells. (Shiv/Lash Ult)
Gives you more duration on Stun. Enough to heavy melee even if they have debuff reducer if you pair it with extender.
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