Trapper je schopen zamořit bojiště nejen latentním jedem, ale také spektrálními pavouky, a pokud není včas zastaven, z mapy udělá smrtící past protkanou zpomalujícími pavučinami.
Trapper je schopen zamořit bojiště nejen latentním jedem, ale také spektrálními pavouky, a pokud není včas zastaven, z mapy udělá smrtící past protkanou zpomalujícími pavučinami.
DOUBLE BOMBA IS BACK AFTER BEING REMOVED FROM THE GAME! Feel free to add items as you wish. Scaling makes this build crazy good in late game, but in short and middle-length games it's also decent.
These are laning phase items.
Makes your bomba hit pretty hard for laning phase
Reverse hook range nerf. As well as adding some nice aoe range on bomba explosion
Just a little bit more damage to keep up in the lane
The most important thing that will serve you well whole game.
If you feel like you need a little bit more last-hitting resources
Movement is everything
Movement is everything
1 of 2
Passive survival option
Agressive survival option
Bread and butter
if enemy buys Ethereal Shift or Debuff Remover
Pretty much a hard counter to any DOUBLE BOMBA hard counter
Damage goes up. (Imbue Cooldown on Hook, Everything else on Bomb)
Must have, no comments
Puts way more damage into your first bomba. Very decent buff
It makes the explosion bigger. As of recent changes might be a nice idea to imbue the hook, as it got nerfed in distance
Plain upgrade
Make hooks and bombas go every second
Nice speed buff as well as your biggest damage spike
Imbue on bomba for even more damage. However, this item is pretty optional as build becomes very expensive at this point
Wait... What? Triple bomba?
You can buy this as soon as you run out of flex slots
Survavability goes up (Select bullet/spirit armour and it's upgraded version depending on what damage type enemy has)
If enemy mainly have physical damage
If enemy mainly have spirit damage
This both gives you a decent spirit shield and some nice spirit power
If you took bullet armour, you will take this
If you took spirit armour, you will take this
Any movement kings here?
Even more movement
Well, if you CERTAIN that your team can't fight without DOUBLE BOMBA, you can go for this
You can additionally change your self-cast settings to become the double bomba yourself. This is another interesting approach and allows you to counter debuff remover and unstoppable. Also gives you more control with who you want to explode.
This is a meme option. Hard to time, but cheaper. If you are good with leap, you can consider this
Výbušný zvedák
Přilnavá bomba
Hyper paprsek