Grey Talon je mazaný predátor, který kombinací smrtící přesnosti, rušivých pastí a vertikálního pohybu dokáže zdolat i ty nejsilnější soky.
Grey Talon je mazaný predátor, který kombinací smrtící přesnosti, rušivých pastí a vertikálního pohybu dokáže zdolat i ty nejsilnější soky.
This is a silly Shiv build focused on becoming unkillable!
We're stacking multiple sources of sustain, including health,
armor, healing, debuff reduction, and enemy fire rate decrease
to stay alive! This synergizes with Bloodletting, which defers
damage over time and makes Shiv much easier to heal than
other heroes!
The build lacks damage compared to more conventional builds,
and is focused on spirit damage output and debuffing enemies.
Focus on early game sustain and capping off with Cold Front to help you farm
Healing, duh!
More health and early game sustain! Sell later.
Not only does it amp our damage, but it gives us more health too!
Should have no trouble keeping this up with all the healing in this build.
Sustain is key! Deferring damage is only helpful if we use that time to heal it all back up!
Nice health buff, and builds into Fortitude later.
More daggers is good, since they're the main source of damage and sustain here.
This is so helpful for farming, which we'll need to do a lot of! And, it's nice against players too.
Building up damage and stacking up some armor
Sustain, sustain, sustain!
Spirit amp go brr
This item has natural synergy with the build thanks to all of our healing and sustain.
More damage amp, more lifesteal!
Sustain, health, and movement item in one. Getting this before armor to improve map rotation speed.
Do I need to explain this?
Or this?
More damage, more sustain!
More health and spirit power. Reduce the fire rate of enemies we hit with daggers to stay alive!
Active abilities to become even tankier, tons of sustain with Leech, and damage buffs.
More dagger uptime.
Even more fire rate slow! Great for survivability!
Improved lifesteal and damage! A step up before Leech
why are you reading the annotations on the armor items, they're ARMOR duhhhh
WOMP WOMP BIG SUSTAIN! If you are limited on slots, sell spirit lifesteal or another low priority healing item.
Uber mega damage!
Even more DR! Sell RS or HPW. Just rounding off gun items at this point.
Used for proccing ER faster! Sell RS or HPW. Can skip if you want to rush straight to Leech and EE.
Buy if you need!
Rush this if you have big spirit damage in your lane (i.e. Bebop bombs). Sell later.
Super useful early game if you are getting stunned by Abrams or other sources.
Rush this if they have scary debuffs like Bebop bombs or Seven stun. The best defense is to not take damage at all!
If you are against stuff like Haze's sleep, this is great. Sell later though.
Funny big Shiv go brr
If the enemies have a lot of anti-healing, buy this! This build relies on healing a lot!
Active item for dire sticky situations.
If you have the cash late game!
This gives nice big gun bonuses when low, but also even more survivability to get you out of dire straits.
Uber mega damage and survivability!
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